External Project Grants
The NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology requests proposals for research projects concordant with its scientific mission based at institutional partners external to Northwestern University and the University of Chicago.
Funding Period 9/1/25 - 8/31/27
Proposals should be submitted online by Monday, March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm
Please direct any questions on NITMB's External Project Grant Call to grants@nitmb.org
Funds can be used to support the stipend/salary/fringe of graduate and undergraduate research assistants and postdoctoral scholars. Funds may not be used to support faculty, research staff, or administrative staff. Funds may not be used to purchase capital equipment. No more than $10,000 (direct costs) may be spent on experimental supplies and services. Funds may not be used to purchase computer equipment or purchase/lease software. No more than $1,200 (direct costs) in travel funds are allowed.
Indirect Cost Recovery is limited to 20% of total direct costs per Simons Foundation flowthrough rules for NITMB subawards. Functionally this means each proposal should have $125,000 in direct costs and $25,000 in indirect (F&A) costs.
Investigators can be funded by at most one active NITMB external projects grant.
The term of award is 24 months, split into two funding periods of 12 months each. At the end of the first 12-month period, a progress report must be submitted to NITMB, which will be evaluated on 1) Merit Review Criteria; 2) progress toward stated project goals; and 3) engagement in NITMB activities by the project’s investigators. Continued funding is contingent on adequate progress shown in the first 12-month period.
No-Cost-Extensions are not permitted for the funding of the project. At the end of the 24-month funding period, a final written progress report is required from the investigators, documenting research progress, key findings, new mathematical results and their impact on biology, any grant applications made as a consequence of the project, and future directions. This report must also provide information (level of support, research tasks, and additional information requested by the NSF or Simons Foundation) about any trainees supported by the funds for the NITMB evaluation process. Any software, datasets, or models resulting from supported research must be made publically available, well-documented, and easily accessible when published as preprint or paper; such materials will be posted on the NITMB web page, Github, Datajoint, Dryad, etc. Each team must also produce a publicly accessible blog, social media post and/or video abstract for each publication resulting from the proposed research.
The principal investigators are required to present their project research at an NITMB convening activity (e.g., a workshop or conference).
If the project involves experiments on animals, all NSF protocols must be followed and appropriate forms must be submitted to the NITMB.
All materials must be submitted as one file in PDF format with the submitting PI's [last_first] name as the filename. Formatting of documents should be in 11-point font, single-spaced, with 0.5-inch margins. Embedded figures are acceptable.
1) Are there any exceptions to the Indirect cost recovery of 20% total direct costs?
Indirect costs are limited to 20 percent of direct costs excepting tuition.
2) Does a bibliography or references cited count as part of the four page limit on the research statement?
No, any references cited do not count toward the four page limit.
3) What are the sponsoring institutions?
Northwestern University should be considered the direct sponsor for this call, with Simons Foundation as the prime sponsor providing flowthrough funds.
Awarded projects will deliver a progress report by the deadline outlined in the award documents to nitmb@nitmb.org. The progress report should contain the following elements:
Cover Page
Award #
Project Title
Principal Investigator Name, Title, and Contact Information (e-mail address and phone number)
Submitting Official, Title, and Contact Information (e-mail address and phone number), if different from PI.
Institution DUNS and EIN Numbers
Project/Grant Period of Performance
Reporting Period End Date
Indication of Whether Final or Interim Report
Signature of Principal Investigator, or Submitting Official
Programmatic Information (max. 2 pages):
Research Accomplishments
What was done? What was learned?
Evaluate how the project has engaged with “new mathematics”.
Evaluate how the project has integrated mathematics with biology.
Evaluate the broader scientific impacts of the project
Participant Engagement
Who has been involved?
What NITMB activities, workshops, or conferences have trainees on the project participated in?
How has the project team engaged with NITMB activities outside the funded research? See #6 in Merit Review Criteria for examples.
Changes in approach and reasons for change.
Problems or delays and plans to resolve them.
Financial Information: Please provide a report documenting the expenses incurred over the course of the project, including a brief narrative explanation if expenses differ from the awarded budget. Including projected costs for the last month of the reporting period is acceptable.
Proposals must only be submitted from faculty working at accredited U.S. academic institutions. All investigators who will be funded by the External Pilot Project Grants must have an active appointment at a U.S. academic institution. No more than two academic institutions can receive funds from a single Project Grant, although the research can involve investigators at more than two academic institutions if desired. Investigators may not be key personnel in more than one proposal. Northwestern and UChicago investigators may partner with external pilot projects but are ineligible to receive funds through this program.
Proposals may be submitted for funds for 24 months of support of no more than $150,000 (direct + indirect costs). Details about submission requirements are listed under “Procedures” below.
The research proposal must include the following:
A statement defining the problem or phenomenon (mathematical or biological) that the research will address.
A description of how the research will advance understanding of the biological phenomenon.
A description of how the research will advance the development of new mathematics.
A statement of which NITMB research themes are touched upon by the proposed research and why.
A detailed description of the approaches that will be taken, methods used, anticipated outcomes, and contingency plans for all thrusts of the proposed research.
A description of the participants in the research and how they will work together to achieve the project goals.
Proposals should be submitted online at
by Monday, March 31, 2025, at 11:59pm. Proposals should directly address the Merit Review Criteria and conform to the funding policies detailed below. Investigators may not be key personnel in more than one proposal. Northwestern and UChicago investigators may partner with external pilot projects but are ineligible to receive funds through this program.
Merit Review Criteria:
Advancement of the NITMB mission to create a nationwide collaborative research community that will generate new mathematics inspired by biology and new biological discoveries driven by the application of mathematics.
The extent to which the research will develop new mathematics (including pure and applied math, algorithms, computation, and statistical methods). This must be clearly articulated in the proposal. Applying existing computational tools to a new dataset is, on its own, insufficient to qualify as new math. Illustrative examples of “new mathematics” include (but are not limited to):
Novel use of some branch/type of math in the study of a phenomenon 
(e.g., applying topology to a problem previously only addressed with regression models)
The first time a phenomenon is quantitatively addressed
 (e.g., establishing a metric for 2d shapes)
New pure and applied mathematics addressing theoretical holes
 (e.g., relaxing simplifying assumptions)
The extent to which the research will have a high reward or impact even if it is high risk.
The extent to which the project will broaden the portfolio of NITMB-supported research.
How well the research integrates mathematics with biology, with investigators providing complementary expertise.
Collaborations between mathematicians and experimentalists are encouraged, but projects are not required to have an experimental component and may use pre-existing datasets.
The quality of the mentoring plan for trainees. Trainees funded through NITMB will be expected to participate in some NITMB activities, such as workshops or conferences.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals for team engagement with NITMB activities outside the funded research. Examples might include:
Organizing a workshop
Mentor summer undergraduate research
Running a training activity or collection of tutorials
Substantive engagement with teaching-intensive institutions (TII) or Primary Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) partnering with NITMB
Participation in the NITMB Visiting Scholars Program.
Release call for applications Jan. 22, 2025
Application deadline March 31, 2025
Awards notification June 2, 2025
Work start date Sept. 1, 2025 (or 1-2 months thereafter)
Proposals should include a 4-page research proposal, a one-page mentoring plan and statement on efforts toward engagement and community building, a budget using the provided template, a budget justification, and biosketches in NIH or NSF format for all investigators. The proposal should address all the merit review criteria described below and list the names of the personnel to be supported (if known at the time of application). If supplies are requested, please include a short itemized budget in the justification.
Pre-screening of applications will occur to ensure that they are complete and conform to eligibility requirements.
Each application will be reviewed initially by at least two NITMB Research Committee members. A common rubric/scoring system will be used for all applications. The full committee will then meet to consider and rank the applications based on the merit criteria.
The NITMB Research Committee will recommend applications to be funded to the NITMB Scientific Advisory Council, which will review recommendations. Upon a final decision, the awarded applicants will be notified.
The awarded applicants must coordinate with their respective university administrations to execute the sub-contracts between the NITMB and their home institutions during the summer months, in order to have a Sept 1 start date.
Funding recipients must otherwise contribute to NITMB training and/or programming efforts, such as attending NITMB workshops or conferences or participating in educational activities.
At the end of the funding period:
A final written progress report is required from the investigators, documenting research progress, key findings, and future directions. This report must also provide information (level of support and research tasks) about any trainees supported by the funds for the NITMB evaluation process.
Any software, datasets, or models resulting from supported research must be made publically available, well-documented, and easily accessible when published as preprint or paper; such materials will be posted on the NITMB web page, Github, Datajoint, Dryad, etc.
Each team must also produce a publicly accessible blog, social media post and/or video abstract for each publication resulting from the proposed research. The above artifacts will be evaluated during the competitive renewal process if sought.
Any changes in the project budget must be requested by the principal investigators for approval by the NITMB before changes are made.
We anticipate making 4-6 awards per year, subject to the availability of funds.
All papers and conference presentations resulting from the funded work are expected to acknowledge the NITMB award.
The principal investigators are required to submit documentation of approval from their Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) when live vertebrate animals are involved in the proposed research.
Collaborative Proposals
NITMB allows two institutions to apply for an external grant collaboratively. Because Simons Foundation (prime sponsor) restricts indirect cost recovery to 20% of total direct costs paid to subcontractors, Northwestern (flowthrough sponsor) cannot provide an award via the external grant program that contains an additional level of subaward agreements, as multiple levels of subcontracting are likely to increase indirect cost recovery to over the limit established.
Instead, if a proposal includes multiple institutions and is awarded, Northwestern will provide individual awards directly to each institution. If your proposal includes funding requests for two separate institutions, please follow the instructions below:
Include within the proposal pdf separate budget and budget justification documents clearly labeled for each institution seeking funding in the proposal. All budget requirements are held at the level of the proposal across combined budgets. For instance, no more than $10,000 may be spent on experimental supplies and services with the combined budget totals of both institutions.
The division of work between institutions should be clearly described in the research plan. There is no need to submit separate statements of work.
Collaborative proposal teams should designate a lead PI and institution which will submit the proposal. A PI at the secondary institution must be added as the “co-applicant” in the grant portal. Please do not submit multiple proposals if you are seeking a collaborative grant.
Please verify prior to submission that both PIs are eligible - with an active appointment at an accredited U.S. academic institution.
If you have any questions on collaborative proposals, please reach out to grants@nitmb.org.
Northwestern University and the University of Chicago have been awarded funds from the National Science Foundation and the Simons Foundation to establish the National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology, or NITMB, based in downtown Chicago. The institute is the first of its kind in the U.S.
Together, the two universities are creating a nationwide collaborative research community that will generate new mathematical results and uncover the “rules of life” through theories, mathematical models, and computational and statistical tools. Foundational advances in biology and mathematics at the NITMB will have broad impacts, such as increased knowledge of human intelligence, advances in the biomedical sciences, and a better understanding of the effects of climate change on plants and animals. The institute offers bidirectional opportunities: Discoveries in biology will also motivate new developments in mathematics.
Critical goals for the NITMB are to catalyze the growth of mathematical biology in the U.S. and to become a national nexus for mathematical biology. To achieve these goals, NITMB aims to support research conducted by scientists around the nation. One mechanism it does so is via funding external research projects. Important criteria for project funding are: (1) collaborative research bringing together people from different disciplines or subdisciplines; (2) ensuring the breadth of the NITMB research portfolio in both biology and mathematics; (3) encouraging creative, bold, high-risk high-reward research; and (4) supporting the development of new mathematics.