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Internal Grant Renewal

Internal project grants funded in 2023 are invited to submit requests for an additional twelve months of funding. Renewals may be submitted for funds for 12 months of support of at most

  • 2.0 FTE graduate research assistants OR 1.0 FTE graduate research assistant plus 1.0 FTE postdoc, and

  • $10,000 direct costs for materials and supplie

Proposals should include a 4-page description of the current progress and status of the project, a budget using the provided template, a budget justification. Proposals should be submitted online through InfoReady by October 24, 2024, at 11:59pm. Proposals should directly address the Merit Review Criteria and conform to the funding policies detailed below.


2024 Renewal Applications closed on October 24, 2024

Merit Review Criteria

  1. Alignment with the research mission of the NITMB, including catalyzing new interactions among different disciplines.

  2. How well the research integrates mathematics with biology, with investigators providing complementary expertise.

  3. The extent to which the research is developing new mathematics (including algorithms, computation, and statistical methods). This must be clearly articulated in the application. Applying existing computational tools to a new dataset is, on its own, insufficient to qualify as new math. “New mathematics” includes:

    1. Novel use of some branch/type of math in the study of a phenomenon 
(e.g., applying topology to a problem previously only addressed with regression models)

    2. New pure mathematics addressing theoretical holes
 (e.g., relaxing simplifying assumptions)

  4. Progress made towards project goals. Please list technical advancements as well as any related publications and presentations. Publications and presentations must be entered into the NITMB databasebefore the renewal application deadline.

  5. Team engagement with NITMB activities outside the funded research. Examples might include:

    1. Organizing a workshop

    2. Mentoring summer undergraduate research

    3. Serving on NITMB committees (e.g., postdoctoral fellow search, external grant proposal review and selection)

    4. Running a training activity or collection of tutorials

    5. Helping to organize meetings with the External Advisory Board and Scientific Advisory Board

    6. Substantive engagement with minority-serving institution partners

    7. Outreach and education activities

    8. Helping to organize and actively engaging with the NITMB Seminar Series and Work-in-Progress meetings.

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Funded by US National Science Foundation DMS-2235451 and Simons Foundation MP-TMPS-00005320

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Mailing Address

875 N Michigan Ave

Suite 3500

Chicago, IL, 60611

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Near 186 E Chestnut St.

Chicago, IL, 60611 

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